Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Campaign Project - Citizen journalism

The aim of our project was to create a short campaign video illustrating how easy it is for anybody to film, edit and post a video addressing anything.

We chose our campaign to be about the current health issue rising in the United Kingdom, trying to promote being active and taking a different approach to get our view across. Generally, the majority of health campaign videos such as 'Anti-Smoking', 'Binge Drinking' are created to make the audience feel guilty. For our video, we felt that giving the project a light hearted and humourous feel hasn't really been done and could be much more effective than the 'Guilt Campaign'.

Looking over youtube, there are tons of campaign videos which are simple, effective and have been filmed using a variety of equipment; which is most commonly a camera phone. For our video, we used a flip camera and filmed myself explaining the point of the video. This took us 25minutes. I then ripped my dvd of Dodgeball onto my USB, and downloaded some music and using finalcut pro edited the video. Within 4hours I had a finished campaign video and had uploaded it onto youtube.

This shows how revolutionary Web 2.0 is, and how easy it is for the general public to post videos and other things onto the internet to either inform, entertain or enlighten others. This follows on what Lovink, G writes about in his article about 'The colonization of real-time'; "Web 2.0 has three distinguishing features: it is easy to use; it facilitates the social element; and users can upload their own content in whatever form, be it pictures, videos or text. It is all about providing users with free publishing and production platforms". This just shows the development of citizen journalism, and how we can be apart of the source.

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